2019 Commencement Remarks

May 24, 2019

Thank you chairman Kovner, 在我继续演讲之前,我想对杰出的茱莉亚学院的教职员工们表示感谢,是你们成就了这个机构. And my thanks to all of our trustees, many of whom are with us today, and to our esteemed guests here on the stage, 也许最重要的是,2019届毕业生的父母、家人、朋友、支持者和亲人们. The amazing class of 2019!

Graduating students, I salute you. 我很荣幸能在我作为校长的第一次毕业典礼上向你们讲话. And it is an honor that humbles me, 当我想到你们所做的工作,以及你们为达到这个位置所走过的道路, at this time.



To stop and smile.


To stop and imagine a life.

And to consider, how will you measure this life?

The answer I believe is in the question itself.

It is in the word life.

First, consider what it means to live. To be alive, to be a part of the world in a full sense, to participate, to help and be helped, to succeed and to fail, to work and to rest, 既要充满激情又要有动力,同时又要心安理得, to love and be loved…. To live.

Then, consider the span of your life. Every moment has eons within it, 每个现实中都有历史——正如温顿·马萨利斯曾经说过的那样,我们都是“出生在中游”.“我们不仅仅是我们自己,我们是几千年的延续. 正如沃尔特·惠特曼所写的那样,我们的内心包含着许多东西. 承认这一点,你就会承认你在一场长期的比赛中, 这首交响曲有很多开头和结尾,有很多乐章要演奏, 当你思考你的生活时,请记住这一点, it will change the choices you make.

很多时候,你会发现自己面临着缺乏确定性的选择. 有时候很明显,“这适合我,而这不适合……”这种情况会发生. But just as often, it won’t be so clear. 在那些时刻,有可能发生非凡的事情. 会有风险,有了风险就可能有回报.

My message to you today is this: say yes. Just that: say yes.

现在,我知道这似乎是显而易见的,但实际上并没有那么简单. It’s always easier to not do something. Cynicism has always been in fashion, it’s always cool to be jaded, but that cynicism is the enemy of action, and of progress, and of creativity. 它会阻止你实现梦想,每一次,作为艺术家和人类, we need to nurture those dreams not stifle them. 我们需要想象,再想象,再想象. 世界被人们的梦想,人们的观念,人们说“如果”的习惯所改变?

拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生说:“在天才的每一部作品中,我们都能看到自己被抛弃的思想。. “他们带着某种疏远的威严回到我们面前. “

Our own rejected thoughts! Think about that. 有一个答案,对这些想法说“是”. Give them a chance to breathe, let them live, work at them, refine them, share them, accept advice on them, be aware of your own power in this world.

Say yes. And stay open.


正如诗人索尼娅·桑切斯所写:留在战场上. Whether it is a new sonata or collaboration, or your commitment to further a cause, 以某种方式通过你作为艺术家的天赋来造福社会——留在那个战场上.

你需要记住的是,无论你做什么,你都不是一个人在战场上. 你有自己的团队,通过答应,你扩大了这个团队,创造了感恩的机会.


它是一种使你的生活充满意义的价值. Remember the moments that mattered. 记住那些花时间帮助你的人,然后把它传递出去. 培养感恩之心,你自己的感恩之心就是合作的种子. It is an expansive strategy, at odds with zero-sum consumerism, but in line with Martin Luther King Jr.我相信我们的世界确实会向正义倾斜.

说“是”,把感恩培养成一种激励你的价值观, 并最终为你作为艺术家和世界公民的发展创造了无限的可能性.

这不是一个利他主义的简化的“做好事”的信息,尽管我只想说“善良”.“我说的是一种道德,它会把你带到你想象不到的地方, 并将你与那些你可能永远无法分享生活的人联系起来.

This is not a repudiation of rigor, of the hard work required to succeed, 感谢你们的辛勤工作让你们走到今天这个非凡的时刻. 这是你用这种严谨性所能做的事情的可能性的扩展, to build from this moment.

当你培养感恩之心时,也培养灵感. Think about your heroes, and say thank you. 虚心接受赞美,寻找值得赞美的人,并向他们学习.

在我自己的生活中,我看到了许多英雄的印记,是他们成就了今天的我. People who have given me strength. And have given me solace. 那些我可以依靠的人,那些我可以依靠的人. I think of my teachers. I think of my mentors.

我想起了我的前任和你们的总统,直到今年, Joseph Polisi, 我要感谢他的远见和慷慨. I think of my Juilliard family, on the stage or in the house, 在过去的一年里,是谁给我们带来了越来越多的快乐和力量.

And I think of my family, my wife heather, 是她无尽的爱和支持,以及强烈的理想主义愿景,让我每一天的每一分钟都变得更好.

I say thank you here and now, 现在请你们和我一起感谢你们自己的团队, 是谁一直支持着你,鼓励着你走到今天, 从在座的朋友和家人开始. 2019届的毕业生们,站起来向你们的家人致敬,他们很自豪能与你们分享这快乐的一天.

Gratitude. It is an expansive philosophy. Like breathing. 感觉很好,它决定了很多事情……它给了我们做或不做的空气. How we are grateful determines our team. Have a big team. And breathe.

It is a thrill to congratulate you all. An honor. We can’t wait to watch you soar, to watch you do the unimagined, 看到你们继续成长为我们这个时代的创造性声音, 加入esball世博几代杰出校友的行列.

Say yes, cultivate gratitude and inspiration. Be open and caring, support each other, be large… take a stand, 不要怀疑自己,你们确实有很多人, 你们是前人的巅峰——你们是未来.

Onward, class of 2019!

Last Updated Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021, 05:19PM